Protocols and Strategies for extending the useful Life of major capital investments and Large Industrial Equipment

LEVEL-UP will provide a systematic approach to the application of the principles of a circular economy to the major capital investments in industry 4.0. LEVEL-UP will offer a scalable platform covering the overall lifecycle, ranging from the digital twins setup, modernisation actions to diagnose and predict the operation of physical assets, to the refurbishment and remanufacturing activities towards end of life. In-situ repair technologies and the redesign for new upgraded components will be facilitated through virtual simulations for increased performance and lifetime.

LEVEL-UP will therefore comprise new hardware and software components interfaced with the current facilities through IoT and data-management platforms, while being orchestrated through eight (8) scalable strategies at component, work-station and shopfloor level. The actions for modernising, upgrading, refurbishing, remanufacturing, and recycling will be structured and formalised into ten (10) special Protocols, linked with an Industrial Digital Thread weaving a seamless digital integration with all actors in the value chain for improved future iterations.

LEVEL-UP will be demonstrated in 7 demo sites from different sectors. The impact of LEVEL-UP to the European manufacturing industry, but also the society itself, can be sum-marised in the following (with a horizon of 4 years after project ends): (i) increase of the material and re-source efficiency by 11.5%, (ii) increased reliability by 16% of the equipment in an extended lifetime by 20%, (iii) over 50% increase of the Return on Investment (ROI), (iv) about 810 new jobs created and (v) over 80M EUR ROI for the consortium.

KONIKER will support FAGOR ARRASATE during the LEVEL-UP project in the definition of the project specifications and will give support in the research and demonstration tasks regarding remanufacture, refurbish and upgrade of the ESMA pilot. The activities of CPSization (WP2) and virtual simulators (WP4) will be managed by KONIKER.

LEVEL-UP (GA-869991) is funded by the Horizon 2020 program, which lasts for 4 years and is coordinated by the Spanish Technological Institute AIMEN.

Apart from KONIKER other members of the consortium are: Atlantis Engineering, Brunel University London, Core Innovation and Technology, Tampere University, Holonix, Fraunhofer IWU, Innovalia, BIBA- Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH, Sensap Swiss AG, International Data Space e.V., SCM Group, KMWE Precision, INEGI, Fagor Arrasate, Trimek, Ideko, Siemens AG, TU Brno, Sofies, Tos Hulin, Danobat, Thinking Additive Ltd., ESI Software Germany GmbH, TTS Technology Transfer Systems, Centre Technique Industriel de la plasturgie et des composites, Marlegno, Koplast, Estampaciones Mayo, Lucchini, Centro Ricerche Fiat, Austrian Standards Institute

Project information

Budget: 17 M€

Type of Project / Financing Program: Horizon 2020 DT-FOF-06-2019

Dates for carrying out the program: 2019-2022

Project coordinator: AIMEN

Number of countries: 13

Number of partners: 33

Project LEVEL-UP financed by

  • European Commision
  • Unión Europea

Partners in the project LEVEL-UP

  • Aimen
  • Atlantis
  • Austrian Standard
  • Biba
  • Brunel
  • Core Innovation
  • CRF
  • Danobat
  • Esi
  • Estampaciones Mayo
  • Fagor Arrasate
  • Fraunhofer
  • Holonix
  • Ideko
  • Idsa
  • Inegi
  • Innovalia
  • Ipc
  • Kmwe
  • Koniker
  • Koplast
  • Lucchini
  • Marlegno
  • Scm
  • Sensap
  • Siemens
  • Sofies
  • Tampere University
  • Thinking Additive
  • Thoshulin
  • Trimek
  • Tts

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