MANTIS is an ambitious project in the field of Industry 4.0, where the objective is to design and develop a platform for industrial maintenance services in the cloud, where sensors or embedded systems monitor processes, and which intelligent systems allow to help in the making of decisions estimating future performance, predicting and preventing imminent failures and that will enable the programming of proactive maintenance with the consequent reduction in costs and better use of materials. The results of the project will be validated in four scenarios: maintenance of production assets, vehicle management, energy production and equipment maintenance in the field of health.
KONIKER is participating in the first of the four scenarios related to the maintenance of the stamping systems of FAGOR ARRASATE. With the support of several centres participating in the project, KONIKER and FAGOR ARRASATE will incorporate state-of-the-art technology in the most critical components to improve the robustness and functionality of these in order to facilitate proactive and predictive maintenance activities. The ultimate goal is to increase the reliability of the presses and their components in order to drastically reduce the high costs caused by production downtime and necessary repair maintenance operations. This technology will improve maintenance strategies, the monitoring and analysing of the structural health of the press, the efforts of the connecting rods, the wear on the gears and the state of the bushings.
Project information
Budget: 30M€
Type of Project / Financing Program: ECSEL-H2020
This project has received funding from ECSEL Joint Undertaking under Grant Agreement No. 662189. This funding program is supported by the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program of the European Union and Spain, Finland, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, Italy, Austria and the United Kingdom, Hungary, Slovenia and Germany.
Dates for carrying out the program: 2015-2018
Project coordinator: Mondragon Unibertsitatea
Number of countries: 12
Number of partners: 47