The objective of the European project LAY2FORM (Efficient Material Hybridisation by Unconventional Lay-up and Forming of Metals and Composites for Fabrication of Multifunctional Structures) is to develop a multi-stage manufacturing process that allows the obtaining of hybrid structural components, composite-metal, for the automotive industry in a competitive way. The process will be based on concepts of flexible machinery, cognitive automation, supervision and online inspection, as well as simulation and modelling, allowing the efficient integration of non-conventional technologies (laser and ultrasound). The proper properties and conditions of the materials, cutting, adhesion, forming, etc. will be analysed, as well as for their disassembly at the end of their useful life. This process will allow the production of hybrid multifunctional 3D pieces from thin-layer metals and thermoplastic mould composites.
Thanks to online simulation and monitoring, corrections of process parameters can be made through self-learning technologies. The multidisciplinary approach proposed in LAY2FORM comprises a complex interconnection to develop a platform for competitive manufacturing and industrial manufacturing, compatible with the vision of Industry 4.0.
The work of KONIKER in this project will be to provide FAGOR ARRASATE with support in the integration of all the systems which will comprise the manufacturing line and specifically in the phase of forming the hybrid materials. To this end, it will also have the collaboration of IKERLAN and MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEA.
LAY2FORM is funded by the Horizon 2020 program, which lasts for 4 years and is coordinated by the Portuguese Technological Institute INEGI.
Apart from KONIKER, other members of the consortium are: Inegi (Portugal), Fagor Arrasate (Spain), Aimen (Spain), Rescoll (France), ESI (France), Mondragon Assembly (Germany), IK4-Ikerlan (Spain), Mondragon Unibertsitatea (Spain), V2i (Belgium), Inapal (Portugal), Treelogic (Spain) and Mecasonic (Spain).
Project information
Budget: 4,9 M€
Type of Project / Financing Program: Horizonte 2020
Dates for carrying out the program: 2017-2021
Project coordinator: INEGI
Number of countries: 5
Number of partners: 13