KONIKER participates in the Final Review of the European project MANTIS

KONIKER participates in the Final Review of the European project MANTIS

MANTIS (Proactive collaborative maintenance based on cybernetic systems) is a European project lasting three years, funded by the ECSEL-JU program of the European Union with a €30 million budget. The project is led by the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and 47 European partners from 12 countries, including FAGOR ARRASATE, KONIKER and IK4-Ikerlan, among others.

On 10 and 11 July, the final review meeting of the European MANTIS project (Cyber​Physical System based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance) was held in Arrasate (Gipuzkoa). Mondragon Unibertsitatea was in charge of welcoming 25 people who attended the meetings to present the final results of the project and the demonstrations of the solutions obtained. On the 11th in the afternoon, a 17-person delegation consisting of the Officer of European Commission, two evaluators and the leaders of the work packages and end-use cases, went to FAGOR ARRASATE to see first-hand the results obtained by FAGOR ARRASATE, KONIKER and IK4-IKERLAN in relation to stamping systems maintenance solutions based on 4.0 technologies. Later, a visit was made to the FAGOR ARRASATE facilities.

MANTIS is an ambitious project in the field of Industry 4.0, where the objective is to design and develop a platform for industrial maintenance services in the cloud, where sensors or embedded systems monitor processes, and which intelligent systems allow to help in the making of decisions estimating future performance, predicting and preventing imminent failures and that will enable the programming of proactive maintenance with the consequent reduction in costs and better use of materials. The results of the project have been validated in four scenarios: maintenance of production assets, vehicle management, energy production and equipment maintenance in the field of health.

To design and develop a platform for industrial maintenance services in the cloud.

KONIKER participates with IK4-IKERLAN and FAGOR ARRASATE, among others, in the first of four scenarios related to the maintenance of stamping systems. Thanks to the project, FAGOR ARRASATE has incorporated cutting-edge technology in the most critical components to improve the robustness and functionality of the latter to facilitate proactive and predictive maintenance activities. This technology allows FAGOR ARRASATE to improve maintenance strategies, the monitoring and analysing of the structural health of the press, the efforts of the connecting rods, the wear on the gears and the state of the bushings.

Maintenance of stamping systems.

The project was financed by the European public private association ECSEL and had a budget of €30 million. Mondragon Unibersitatea led the project and had the participation of 47 European partners such as Corporación Mondragon, Goizper, Tekniker, Phillips, Acciona, Vestas, Adira, Fraunhofer, Still, Bosch, Liebherr among others.

With this meeting, the MANTIS project is brought to a successful conclusion, a project which lasted three years and enabled KONIKER to develop various capabilities around the predictive maintenance of stamping systems.